Thursday, May 13, 2010

Updated RDR Review

Ok folks here it is! I have spent a good while with the game now and it is amazing! I can now say that the game is amazing all the way through it! In a way this sets a new era for videogames to me.

I will give you a sense on what I feel after playing this game for 30+ hours now. Remember the first time you played Super Mario 64? Remember how you felt that magical feeling inside you that was so amazing? This is just like that!!! That feeling of newness and gaming at the next level. I thought perhaps when I first started playing the game that this newness would wear thin or perhaps the first few hours of the game were better than the latter etc.

Thats not the case here! I can now say this blows away Fallout 3 which was my previous all time favorite game! Let me get started about how this all played out:

After doing the first few missions I decided to go into some towns and see what I could do. I ran into random encounters which were cool. But things started happening that made the world feel like a living breathng world. Things that should happen on othe videogames but never do happen!

Here are just some random things im talking about:

- When riding my horse I ran into a coyote which tripped up my horse and sent me flying off it. When I got up a bandit was hiding behind a tree and jumped on my horse and took it! I then reached for my gun and shot the bandit off my horse! It was a totally random event but was so realisitc. This has only happened once and im sure I got lucky here but the next cool thing in this event was a group of bandits about 6 hours later in the game found me and confronted me about killing thier bandit buddy!!! LOL wow.....the way it all played out was so cool.

- I was right outside a small settlement next to a water well when I heard a voice. This guy tried to get water for his horse and got stuck in the well. He wanted me to give his horse some water and try to get him out. I decided to take his horse! I spared him and didnt kill him and didnt think anything about him. Well about 10-15 hours later im at a bar in another town and low and behold here is this guy! I forgot all about him and he was like "your the guy who left me in the well and stole my horse." Then another guy came and said "you know what we do with people like you? We hang em and leave them to dry for the vultures." Then the one guy pulled out a gun and shot me. was really cool.

These are the type of things that im talking about make the game a lviving breathing world! It's certainly something new and im surprised rockstar can even pull this off.

Lets talk about graphics now shall we? The game looks stunning! It has a slightly gritty look to it but what makes it stand out the most is how far you can see. I feel as if im in the world. Its not like fallout or obilvion where theres popup or two worlds (which was pretty bad.) The animations are smooth and people do things on schedule. Not to mention everyone breams of life.

Im putting together a video of all of my gameplay and im working on a video review. Im actually done with it I just have to put the audio of my voice in a seperate file since I recorded straight from my tv. So I just need to sort out a few problems im having with windows movie maker and I will have the review up later tonight. Until then stay strong because I put a lot of work into the video review :)


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